THE Nightmare Deck (a work-in-progress)

   I can understand if the concept of the Nightmare Deck may be confusing for some of you now joining us. So, allow me to explain – when you boil it down, the Nightmare Deck is essentially a list of fifty-two of my favorite films ever created (of a horror or horror adjacent genre). What I feel makes the Nightmare Shift special is the amount of work and time that goes into making the journey happen. It isn’t as simple as me plucking out a bunch of movies that I like out of a hat and making a list. I review every film I consider and I separate them into “Draws” (52 mostly random movies I review and decide whether they should make the cut in this final selection or ‘Deck’). 

   July 28th: – When is the fifth draw? As of this writing, I have fifteen movies logged for the fifth draw in the Nightmare Deck. If you read the release dates for the first four draws in the Nightmare Deck, you might be thinking I am a superhuman movie reviewer. I am not. Rather, I have been writing reviews for a very long time and have a reserve I have been able to pull from. I don’t post them all at once because I have to edit / format them individually and I try not to make too much of a chore out of it. Baby steps. Unfortunately (or fortunately – if you ask me), the transferring is nearly complete. Looking at my list, I have about twenty-six more movies I need to move over before it is all said and finished (for the Nightmare side, at least). That’ll bring us to about forty-one movies (about eleven shy of where we need it to be). After that, it will be entirely up to the new reviews to fill the rest of the deck. Thus, I would think that the fifth Nightmare Deck should arrive sometime in 2024 (maybe around Halloween?). The real question is when will the sixth draw be. Yikes. I can’t even begin to imagine that. On a good year, I average, maybe, thirty-something reviews total. Video-games take their cut. Non-horror takes their cut. Could be a couple years. 

The Nightmare Deck

* movies are listed in the order they were pulled from each deck

1.) Gerald’s Game – First Draw

2.) The Black Phone – First Draw 

3.) Us – Second Draw 

4.) Hereditary – Second Draw

5.) Snowpiercer – Second Draw 

6.) Censor – Second Draw 

7.) Child’s Play – Second Draw 

8.) The Boy Behind the Door – Second Draw 

9.) I Saw the Devil – Third Draw 

10.) The Invisible Man – Third Draw 

11.) Sinister – Third Draw 

12.) The Impostor – Third Draw

13.) Random Acts of Violence – Third Draw 

14.) Unlucky – Third Draw 

15.) A Quiet Place – Fourth Draw 

16.) Parasite – Fourth Draw